<< WIN ICarly - iDream in Toons
ICarly - iDream in Toons
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Xplosive-nzb.com+-+i+Carly
Sender SandrAs
Tag SandrAs xplosiveNZB        
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Post Description

iCarly - iDream in Toons 

Get the iCarly webcast back online with iCarly - iDream in Toons, a fantastic mystery

Spencer"s late night cartoon marathon just turned into a sleep marathon with one of the strangest dreams ever. He"s on the iCarly set, but Carly, Sam and Freddie are in a total panic. They"ve been turned into cartoons and trapped in the set by some mysterious mischief-maker. Who is it and how can Spencer get them back to normal?

Join Spencer and help him turn the iCarly show stars from toons back to teens as you search for hidden objects throughout the iCarly world. Test your skills with Spot-the-Difference games. Unscramble cool word puzzles, solve number problems, and reveal the culprit! Can you get the iCarly webcast back online?

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