<< WIN Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.97 GB
Website http://uk.pc.ign.com/objects/567/567439.html
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Post Description

Soldiers is a third-person tactical action game that plays out like a blockbuster war movie.Based around the exploits of World War II, players control specialized units from Allied, German and Russian campaigns. Pitching the player headlong into the war-torn battlegrounds of Europe, gameplay delivers extremely realistic yet explosive combat scenarios. You take control of a small group of soldiers primarily engaged against overwhelming odds requiring stealth, guile, speed and aggression. Mission objectives include blowing railway tracks, kidnapping enemy officers, destroying convoys.

General Features:

Over 25 action-packed missions, inspired by the exploits of World War II heroes, takes the keyboard-smashing frustration out of strategy gaming by enabling players to complete mission objectives in any number of different ways; this is no puzzle game where the 'save' key is everything! Whether you decide to stealth-it-up or go in loud with all guns blazing, victory is there for the taking.
Play as British, U.S., German or Russian forces, with authentically modelled WWII vehicles, weapons and units - even ammo - and you'll experience the totally realistic penetration physics.
There's a fully-destructible environment (all buildings and other objects) and landscape becomes scarred as your artillery makes its mark and changes the terrain with shell-holes and trenches.
The control method combines the best of RTS and 3D-action gaming, using 'Team mode' to command and move an entire unit or 'Direct Control', where you jump into the thick of the action, get your hands dirty, and take control of a single soldier.

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