<< WIN Red Giant Knoll Light Factory 3.2
Red Giant Knoll Light Factory 3.2
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://redgiantsoftware.com/products/all/knoll-light-factory-ps/
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Post Description

Photoshop co-creator and Star Wars effects guru John Knoll developed Knoll Light Factory to mimic the reflections from a very bright light source as seen through a camera's lens. It's proven to be one of the most popular plug-ins for both Adobe Photoshop and After Effects. Knoll Light Factory goes far beyond the typical lens flares found in Photoshop, with over 100 great presets, real-time previewing, and 19 powerful flare tools for creating your own custom effects.

Fast, fun visual impact with over 100 light presets
Light presets are premade combinations of lighting elements. Choose from photon torpedoes, red lasers, warm sun flares, or spikeballs ? Knoll Light Factory 3.0 ships with over 100 presets to get you started quickly with Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

Custom lens editor and elements
Choose from 19 different flare elements, and layer them to create just the look you want. Real-time previews give you instant feedback, and 16-bit rendering reduces banding and creates better-looking output. Obscuration layers enable objects in the scene to partially block an effect. Once you've got just the look you want, it's easy to save your own presets for future use in Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

Photorealistic lighting effects
Knoll Light Factory's effects are based on the real-world physics of light passing through glass lens elements of all kinds. Give your photos the characteristic look of inexpensive digital cameras or legendary Panavision lenses. Apply sci-fi effects such as Arc Welder or Distant Quantum or add subtle sparkle to jewelry, movie posters, or nighttime scenes.

Knoll Light Factory for Photoshop runs in Adobe Photoshop and supports the following versions.
Adobe Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5

Note that Knoll Light Factory for Photoshop does NOT support other products from vendors such as Corel that may support the Photoshop plug-in specification.

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