<< WIN GreenTech Plus *2010*
GreenTech Plus *2010*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 2.41 MB
Website http://www.vertigogaming.net/game/greentechplus
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

Release Notes:

Boot up your old Tandy Computer 83? and get ready to save the world
from the threat of global meltdown with your mighty hurricane in this
action-packed arcade experience! Use your hurricane to steer pollution
into cleaning centers and watch out for the high-pressure zones.
Pseudo-reminiscent of an old green screen retro PC experience (with an
added twist of art and design), greenTech+ will challenge you over the
course of thirty levels with fifty unlockable monitors to enhance your
viewing experience, ten of which are compatible with anaglyph red/blue
3D glasses!

Includes thirty levels that will greatly test your skill and
precision, along with a thorough, optional tutorial.

Fifty unlockable monitors that change and enhance your gameplay with
new colors, scan performance and glass textures.

Ten 3D anaglyph monitors, compatible with any red/blue 3D glasses
that will give you a totally unique 3D experience!

A nice array of music from the timeless works of Tchaikovsky?s best.

Grand Prize Winner of the YoYo Indie Games Competition 2 (original

Gepost in:
- a.b.inner-sanctum
- a.b.warez

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