<< FLAC Beethoven: Violin Concerto - Szeryng
Beethoven: Violin Concerto - Szeryng
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 220.48 MB
Website http://www.amazon.com/Beethoven-Violin-Concerto-2-Romances/dp/B00000419O
Sender HermanSoft
Tag HermansoftKlassiek        
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Op deze post horen we een andere, zeer beroende violist: Henryk Szeryng, hier met het Koninklijk Concertgebouw Orkest, dirigent Bernard Haitink.

De originele opname is uit 1973 en later op CD gezet door Brilliant Classics. (CD9 in de complete uitgave van de werken van Beethoven). Naast het vioolconcert zijn de beide vioolromances te horen.

Henryk Szeryng was one of the greatest violinists of the recorded era -- egualled by the legendary Michael Rabin -- but surpassed by no one. Although Szeryng's technique was awesome (comparable to even the great Heifetz) he never used it for mere virtuoso display, as Heifetz frequently did, but always used it in the service of musical artistry. Szeryng's performances of the great Beethoven Violin Concerto and Beethoven's two romances for violin illustrate his unsurpassed artistry very well. If you are not familiar with this great violinist, this CD will illustrate his unique skills and tonal beauty quite well.

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