<< ePub Albrecht Dürer- Apocalypse Engravings.
Albrecht Dürer- Apocalypse Engravings.
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse_(D%C3%BCrer)
Sender GerPC
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Albrecht Dürer- Apocalypse Engravings.136 TIFF Images, 600 dpi, <6024x4308 Pixels, 367 MB.Albrecht Dürer (1471, Nürnberg - 1528)Durer was equally gifted as a painter, printmaker and draftsman, drawing and engraving takes him a lot, sometimes even leading role. Legacy of Durer-painter, has more than 900 sheets of vastness and diversity can be compared only with the legacy of Leonardo da Vinci. Drawing was apparently part of everyday life master. He brilliantly mastered all the then known graphic techniques - from the silver pin and a cane to the Italian pen pencil, charcoal, watercolors. As for the masters of Italy, drawing became his most important stage of work on the song, which include sketches, Stude heads, arms, legs and draperies. This learning tool characteristic types - peasants, dressed gentlemen, Nuremberg fashionistas. His famous watercolor "A piece of turf," and "Hare" (Albertina, Vienna) are satisfied with such a close and the chilly detachment that could illustrate scientific codes.

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