<< DivX BBC 2013 Moments In Time
BBC 2013 Moments In Time
Category Image
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 838.45 MB
Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03m7zjp
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Post Description

The story of 2013 told through the high-impact images of the year, exploring 
how photography has changed in the age of smartphones, social media and the

From the helicopter crash in London to the bush fires in Tasmania and the
Boston Marathon bombing, this was a year in which the best camera was the one
you had in your hand and saw ordinary people taking some of the most striking
pictures of 2013.

Meeting photographers, news editors and members of the public who were in the
right place at the right time, this film reveals how these extraordinary
pictures were taken and argues that the image remains as powerful as ever in
the modern world.

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