<< WinPh Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus HD (AnDroiD)
Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus HD (AnDroiD)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 337.7 MB
Website http://www.androidworld.nl
Sender andrehazes1
Tag Andrehazes1        
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Post Description

Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus HD v3.3.0 v3.3.2 

Bringing the matter to an end!
Complete their mission, the first version of the most anticipated FPS: Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus.
Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus improves gameplay first Modern Combat, transferring players in modern combat in the best multiplayer FPS for Android.

- Play any character in 12 conflict zones in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and South America.
- Facial animation and murder in slow motion frame simply breathtaking.
- 15 types of weapons can be drawn from our enemies and to modify.
- The effect of blur when shooting and dynamic light contribute to the realism of the battle.
- Up to 10 players online and in local battles.
- Choice of 4 modes.
- Experience rewards, weapons, and the ratings guarantee confrontation.
- Challenge the opposing team at Gameloft LIVE!

v3.3.0: zit sd map bij!!

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