<< MP3 Tomita - Bach Fantasy
Tomita - Bach Fantasy
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 132 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Tomita+-+Bach+Fantasy
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Tomita - Bach Fantasy

21 Jun 1996
Classical, Electronic
Modern Classical, Ambient

1 Early Bird (Cantata "Was Mir Behagt, Ist Nur Die Muntre Jagd!" BWV 208: Aria) 3:24
2 Ave Maria (Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1: No. 1 In C, Gounod) 5:09
3 March Of The Mobile Toy Soldiers (Cantata "Jesu, Der Du Meine Seele" BWV 78: Aria Duetto) 5:03
4 Fantasy Of The Clock (Cantata "Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme" BWV 140: Chorale) 4:03
5 Jesus, Joy Of Man's Desiring (Cantata "Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben" BWV 147: Chorale)3:32
6 The Sea Named "Solaris" (Based On Sinfonia No. 2 In C Minor BWV 788 And Chorale "Ich Ruf' Zi Dir, Herr Jesu Christ" BWV 639) 12:14
7 Whistling Boy (Invention No. 13 In A Minor BWV 784) 2:56
8 Storm In The Desert (Cantata "Schwingt Freudig Euch Empor" BWV 36: Chorale) 4:33
9 Air On A G-String (Orchestra Suite No. 3 In D BWV 1068: Aria) 3:50
10 Toccata And Fugue (Toccata And Fugue In D Minor BWV 565) 7:39

Japan only release including some previously released tracks but mostly new ones so it's not a compilation.
The Enhanced section was compatible with Mac OS7 and Win95 (Japanese, the English version required a couple of .dll files to work).
Now I can't play the information on IntelMac nor Win XP/7.
The enhanced section included:
-Information and samples from Tomita's previous CDs
-Listing of videos and laser discs featuring Tomita's music
-A 6 minute Tomita interview about the new album, CD-ROMs and a tour of his studio/equipment
-An interactive tour through the album music with images, and a MIDI file programmed by Tomita similar to the one used on the 'Toccata and Fugue' track.

Voor de liefhebbers/verzamelaars van space/synthesizer/ambient/chillout/(oldskool)electronic music

Veel plezier weer met dit zeldzame Tomita album.
Sorry !!! Helaas door veel drukte blijft het spotten er een beetje bij. Hopelijk lukt het straks weer wat beter.

Groet Nachtuil!!!

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