<< MP3 Sky Architect &#150; Excavations Of The Mind
Sky Architect &#150; Excavations Of The Mind
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Sky Architect &#150; Excavations Of The Mind

Wabe WIERINGA [guitars], Rik van HONK [keys], and Chistiaan BRUIN [drums] developed what became SKY ARCHITECT while at the Rotterdam Pop acadamy. The trio was primarily instrumental but later recruited singer/guitarist Tom LUCHIES and bassist Guus van MIERLO, fleshing-out a formidable and multi-layered group of young prog rockers.

"They make music from the heart with a technical edge" says their bio, and it's an apt description of the quintet's carefully constructed and utterly professional material. Their 2010 debut 'Excavations of the Mind' on Galileo Records embraces both golden age greats like GENESIS and YES as well as peers The FLOWER KINGS, K2, and PORCUPINE TREE.

A solid new offering from a very worthy group that will widely please those who like their symphonic rock with a heavy edge and occasional sense of humor.


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Christiaan Bruin: drums en drums
Rik van Honk: toetsen en achtergrondzang
Tom Luchies: zang, gitaar en achtergrondzang
Guus van Mierlo: basgitaar
Wabe Wieringa: gitaar

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