<< DVD5 Elvis - The Final Curtain - DVD4
Elvis - The Final Curtain - DVD4
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DVD 4- Rapid City CBS Raw Tapes - 76 mins
The first footage here is Elvis arriving backstage and meeting Sioux Indian girl, Monique Brave.
In an incongruous twist she presents Elvis with a Sioux "Medallion of Life" while she gets a kiss from Elvis.
This performance made up the vast majority of the CBS special and no wonder because Elvis seems 5 kilos lighter and a much happier man although it is only 2 days later.

As soon as he arrives on stage and he takes a rose from an audience member putting it between his teeth you can see a spark of a happier Elvis that was so missing in Omaha. 'See See Rider' has twice as much energy tonight and when Elvis says, "Just enjoy yourselves and leave the driving to us", this time you feel that he means it. Again several of these tracks never made the TV special. The soulful 'Trying To Get To You' should definitely have been included as well as astounding solo of 'Unchained Melody', the delicate 'Hawaiian Wedding Song' is also a treat to see, with Kathy Westmoreland getting a touching kiss at the end.

Rather strangely the band solos during the Introductions are still missed out from the master-tape, although once again Elvis introducing the actual band members are included!

Where possible the high-quality "In Concert" footage has been used but otherwise outake footage has had to be used - but this time with the &#145;Timecode&#146; blurred out.
Again this is the best quality version I have yet seen.

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