<< WinPh Nokia N97 & N8: Catan 2 (v1.0.5 - s60v5)
Nokia N97 & N8: Catan 2 (v1.0.5 - s60v5)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.97 MB
Website http://store.ovi.com/content/51022
Sender Sjoeters
Tag Symbian        
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Post Description

Catan - The Seafarers

door: exozet games

Strategie - 0,82 MB

With "Catan - The Seafarers" the seafarers expansion makes its debut on the mobile phone - naturally including the basic game. It puts fun at your fingertips, anywhere and any time. As in the original, up to four players can vie for the most settlements, the longest road, and the largest army. In the expansive new campaign, you will play through 16 diverse scenarios. *** PocketGamer Silver Award | Airgamer.de Award: 85% ***

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Getest en werkt bij mijn N8-00
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