<< TUX Wondershare Time Freeze v (stop de tijd)
Wondershare Time Freeze v (stop de tijd)
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
GenreAntispyware software
GenreAntivirus software
GenreSecurity software
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 8.86 MB
Website http://www.wondershare.com/blog/wondershare-time-freeze-free-system-protection-tool/
Sender mrfreestyler
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Kort verteld wat hier onderstaat:

Installeer dit programma en zet het aan, rommel daarna wat je wil op je pc met programma's enz. Als je weer opnieuw opstart is alles weer zoals het was. Dus ideaal om eens een keer iets uit te proberen.....

Dit programma geeft aan te botsen met acronis omdat die een zelfde soort instelling heeft. Maar het geeft hier geen problemen tijdens de installatie en uitvoering....

Wondershare Time Freeze is a system protection tool that is designed to create a free virtual system environment to keep your computer safe from all types of viruses and other malicious attacks. And now, everyone can get it as your PC&#146;s best partner.

&#147;There are important documents preserving in the computer for everyone, no matter they are for business or for personal life. We can understand how frustrated when one find the vital files lost,&#148; said Serena Lee, product manager at Wondershare Studio, &#147;that&#146;s why we developed the tool &#150; Wondershare Time Freeze. We hope to help users easily get their lost files back quickly.&#148;

Key Features of Wondershare Time Freeze
Wondershare Time Freeze is system protection software. It works easy and effective to create a free virtual system environment to keep your computer safe from all types of viruses and other malicious attacks. It provides the following advantages:
- Virtual system as the shadow of the actual system: prevent threats of any viruses, malware, spyware and Trojans.
- Simply reboot computer to return to the original state. Eliminates cost for system maintenance.
- Surf internet safely, and play around with computer with NO trace left.
- Prevent access to protected files and folders. Protect your privacy effectively
- Manage the program with a custom password setting and keep inexperienced users from making change to your settings and configures
- Compatible with Windows 7/XP/Vista/2000.

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