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Gabor Antalffy's interpretation of C.P.E. Bach's six collections of sonatas, free fantasies and rondos for sale here is a rare gem. They are performed mostly on the harpsichord and a few on the piano. Antalffy is a superb Hungarian-German keyboard artist. He is a brilliant virtuoso, with impeccably clear articulation and engaging emotional content. The engineering in this recording is also outstanding. His four CD's in this set are a treasure for any connoisseur and music lover. I was completely enchanted. It's unfortunate that Antalffy is not better known in this country. I also warmly recommend to those who want to be "surprised by joy" the following outstanding other recordings of Gabor Antalffy: (1) Beethoven's late works for the piano (Sonata 31 op. 110 and 32.op.111 and six Bagatelles, op. 126), (2) J. S. Bach's French Suite in E-Major (BWV 817), English Suite in D-Minor (BWV 811), Coelestin Harst, Eleven Harpsicord Pieces; (3) Suite of Compositions from the Late 19th to Early 20th Century (Liszt, Debussy, Kodaly, Bartok), (3) Beethoven, Piano Sonatas, op. 31, op. 57, and op. 109; Liszt, Ballade in H Minor, Petrarca Sonett, Fantasie and Fugue on B-A-C-H, etc. P.S. I neither am nor know any of the sellers of Antatalffy's Bach: For Connoisseurs and Music Lovers for which this is an enthusiastic review.
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