<< x264HD Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Complete serie
Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Complete serie
Category Image
LanguageDutch subtitles (available)
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 2 years, 8 months
Size 1.11 MB
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Post Description

The main setting of Deep Space Nine is a space station near the planet Bajor, built by the imperialistic Cardassians during their long, brutal occupation of Bajor. After liberating themselves through a guerrilla war, the Bajorans invite the United Federation of Planets to jointly administer the station. The station is renamed Deep Space Nine, and a Starfleet crew is assigned to manage it, led by Commander Benjamin Sisko.

Shortly after his arrival, Sisko discovers a stable wormhole in Bajoran space between the Alpha Quadrant and the unexplored Gamma Quadrant, and the station is moved near the wormhole's entrance. The wormhole is the home of powerful, non-corporeal aliens whom the Bajorans worship as "the Prophets". Sisko is revered by the Bajorans as the Prophets' "Emissary"; although he is initially uncomfortable with being a religious figure, he gradually grows to accept his role.

Deep Space Nine and Bajor quickly become a center for exploration, interstellar trade, political maneuvering, and open conflict.


Deze post bevat enkel de NZB's voor de 7 seizoenen.

Resolutie - 576p
Bron - Retail DVD
Ondertiteling - Nederlands
Audio - Engels
Gewicht - 65,2 GB

Omdat er nogal wat vragen komen of ik X, of Y, heb, hier de volledige lijst (en niet veranderbare volgorde) van wat ik nog heb & ga posten:

Star Trek - Voyager
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V (1984) - Miniseries + het enige seizoen
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