<< WIN Repost Fairy Tales - Iridescence Village
Repost Fairy Tales - Iridescence Village
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.1 GB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Repost+Fairy+Tales+-+Iridescence+Village
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Post Description

Hidden Object Game 

Ik hoop dat deze versie wel voor iedereen te spelen is. Ik kan het helaas niet zelf nakijken omdat die andere bij mij wel werkt.

Long ago the Fairy Queen that once kept this world in balance with her magic mysteriously vanished! It left the Iridescence Village in gloom and sadness. Guide Audrey through Iridescence Village?s whimsical world, as you help restore the Iridescence Village back to its loving and happy self. Help with the fairies problems by solving puzzles through your explorations of clues and objects in this hidden object puzzle game.

Met dank aan de originele poster

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