<< PSP Little Big Planet
Little Big Planet
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.32 GB
Website http://www.tothegame.com/ps3-6466-littlebigplanet-for-sony-playstation-3.html
Sender Dick42
Tag Dick42        
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Post Description

Characters have the power to move anything in this glued and stitched-together 3D landscape; they have the power to design, shape and build both objects and entire locations for others to view and play. There&#146;s no complicated level editor; all of these skills can be learned by simply playing the game. Creativity is part of the gameplay experience and playing is part of the creative experience. Players can make their world as open or as secretive to explore as they like. When it&#146;s ready, they can invite anyone within the LittleBigPlanet community to come and explore their patch &#150; or can go and explore everybody else&#146;s.
Play the game, learn the skills and then find your own way to play. There isn&#146;t a set solution to anything &#150; you live LittleBigPlanet however you want to.
Create your own content &#150; customize your character and build your own locations. You have the power to rearrange anything in this unbelievably tactile landscape.
Build, move, create, collaborate &#150; then share content with friends or publicly by inviting the whole world to come and visit your own location on LittleBigPlanet.
There&#146;s not just one way to play. Players craft their own individual experience

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