<< NDS 4508 - Horrid Henry Missions of Mischief (E)
4508 - Horrid Henry Missions of Mischief (E)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dsspelletjesdownloaden.nl
Sender zon_jeroen
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Post Description

Henry is a headstrong boy, constantly raging against the tyranny of adults 
and infuriating girls. For Henry, life just isnÆt fair. If heÆs not battling
his fearsome class teacher Miss Battle-Axe or Greta the Demon Dinner lady at
school, then heÆs in trouble with his Mum and Dad. Now Horrid Henry moves
from the multi million selling book series and massively successful TV show
onto Nintendo DS, Wii and PC in the form of a fun, fast and funny, action-
puzzle game where the player takes the lead role of Henry himself. Henry has
a range of special skills and equipment that he can use during missions and
his task is to dash around locations playing pranks on the other characters
all the while avoiding being caught.

Bezoek ook eens de linK!!!!!

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