<< WinPh Sygic Aura v2.1 Android
Sygic Aura v2.1 Android
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 3.81 MB
Website http://aura.sygic.com/index.html
Sender hija31
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Post Description

Sygic Aura v2.1 Android

- Turn-by-turn car navigation with voice guidance
- LATEST TomTom maps stored on the phone
- FREE map updates
- FREE speed limit, speed camera and points of interest updates

- 3D view of cities and landscape
- Real-Time Traffic (available as a subscription service)
- Multi-stop route planning with interim destinations
- Road incident sharing and real-time notifications
- Speed camera and speed limit display and audio warning
- Lane Assistant and signposts
- Traveled routes statistics and altitude profiles in Travel Book

- Automatic resolution adaptation to any display
- Hardware accelerated 3D rendering
- Car audio integration using bluetooth or cable
- Automatic screen rotation using accelerometer
- Compass-assisted direction detection
- Multitouch support for easier map browsing

- Intuitive interaction with points of interest
- Friends on the map
- Facebook sharing of geo-tagged statuses
- City guides from premium providers and from Wikipedia

Recent changes:

- City guides added
- Android style menus and icons
- Navigate to GPS coordinates
- Optimized navigation screen with better contrast
- Faster POI search
- Location sharing on Twitter
- Easier product activation, no need to select regions within the application

Met dank aan : undercode & raju .

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