<< WIN Anno 1602 Gold Edition
Anno 1602 Gold Edition
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 757.79 MB
Website http://anno.uk.ubi.com/pc/history1602.php
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

ANNO 1602 &#150; Creation of a New World. By combining construction and strategy within one game, &#145;ANNO 1602 &#150; Creation of a New World&#146; opens up a whole new genre of games. Far better than any previous trade or economy simulation game, &#145;ANNO 1602&#146; allows the player to create a realistic and vivid world entirely based on your imagination. The aim is to discover an island world, to colonize and to expand it and to trade with other islands. But you also have to defend this world against possible enemies!

Expansion: New Islands, New Adventures

New Islands, New Adventures. New tasks await you. In challenging campaigns you have to prove that you are a true pioneer. Only if you solve all scenarios, you will reach the aim of your mission. You can create your own scenarios using the editor. Create new, individually designed island worlds and combine the many different subtasks to create your own aim. Many things you and other passionate globetrotters have already wished for in your first adventure are now possible.

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