<< WIN HomePlanSoft Easy Mail Plus v2.2.30.17
HomePlanSoft Easy Mail Plus v2.2.30.17
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
GenreEmail software
GenreOptimization software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.95 MB
Website http://www.easymailplus.com/
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Post Description

¦      ¯
¦ Type your message, and then just a few ¦
¦ mouse clicks can fax it, print it, e-mail ¦
¦ it, prepare an envelope, and print a ¦
¦ label. Best of all, leave your printer ¦
¦ settings alone. To mail your letter, just ¦
¦ stick an envelope where the paper goes ¦
¦ and let Easy Mail Plus handle the rest. ¦
¦ You can put a sheet of labels in the ¦
¦ printer, print the ones you need ¦
¦ immediately, and use the rest of the ¦
¦ label sheet another time. Built-in ¦
¦ importing uses easy drag-and-drop ¦
¦ technology to make it a snap to create ¦
¦ address files from your existing data ¦
¦ files. Use our predefined envelopes and ¦
¦ labels (metric and U.S.) or configure ¦
¦ your own. Use one of our logos, or any ¦
¦ BMP, GIF, JPEG, WMF, or ICO image. Drag ¦
¦ and drop addresses, logos, and bar codes. ¦
¦ Put post office bar codes on envelopes ¦
¦ and labels. Print to the entire list, one ¦
¦ at a time, or to selected addresses. ¦
¦ Print just one label or a few per sheet. ¦
¦ Print a full sheet of the same or of ¦
¦ different addresses.


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