<< WinPh Raging Thunder® for Android
Raging Thunder® for Android
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=ragingthunder_Ver1.0.6
Sender doobieters
Tag raging;thunder;android;race        
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Post Description


Polarbit hits a home run by bringing true 3D gaming to Android. Raging Thunder Android App is a cool fast paced 3D accelerometer race car game! Android was not particularly known for its excellence in the gaming area the games like this really step up the bar. Tilt and turn your android phone to steer through the race, collect items like a lightning bolts (for speed boosts) and skulls (to cause havoc to other drivers), tap the left/right screens to use the features. There are a few racing modes; Single or Multi-player (create a race locally or on Polarbit&#146;s network) mode, play Quick Race, Arcade, Championship or Time Attacke modes.


Raging Thunder Android App takes advantage of Android&#146;s Open GL 3D rendering engine to deliver amazing fast paced graphics for Android phones. Comparable to iPhone gaming graphics.

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