<< WIN VCap 0 1 9 4997 downloader
VCap 0 1 9 4997 downloader
Category Applications
Date 1 year, 9 months
Size 93.35 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://vcapdl.com
Sender berkcomie (Gq3qdg)                
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Post Description

VCap. downloader

VCap Downloader (VCapDL) is a universal software that allows you to capture video and audio from
internet sites. The software interface resembles that of a regular browser, which makes it easier
for the user to get to know and work with this software. The user just needs to copypast the video
url from favorite browser and transfer it to VCap Downloader. VCap Downloader will capture the
video and offer available quality for downloading. You can also extract audio track from any video
and convert it to MP3 format.

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1. Install AntDM but do not run it yet.
2. Run the provided installer and follow the instructions to install/repair or uninstall/upgrade
the hook in your system.


. It is advisable that you always run this installer outside of the installation folder of the
target program. If possible, the installer will detect where the program was installed, but also
you will be able to specify the location manually if needed.
. In case you have a previous version of the hook, the installer will detect it and will offer you
the chance to upgrade it to this newer version without need to manually remove the old one.
. If you have any issues with the program after installing the hook (it crashes or it remains in
free mode), try the following:

- If you have DEP enabled, add the program to the exclusion list.
- If you have any Antivirus/Anti-Malware program, add the program/folder to the exclusion list.
- Run the hook installer to detect any possible misconfiguration or missing file and repair it.

If none of the above works, probably it's necessary to update this fix.

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In almost all my releases you will find a main menu. This menu can be opened by cliking the little
button with three lines (at top-left corner of the window). Among the options shown here, the two
most important are:

⦁ News & Announcements: This option will check if there is any important announcement that I want to
share with the community. Generally, these announcements are also posted on the website.

⦁ Check for Updates: This option will check if an update of this release is available. If there is
one, it will show information about the release and will give you the chance to download it
directly. Normally any new version of this release will be posted on the website, with the
exception of some cases in which I cannot publicly post such releases for "legal" reasons. In
those cases, using this option is the only way to get a new version.

NOTE: These options require Internet access and will only connect to the net when selected. In case
you have a firewall, probably you will need to make an exception.

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Some antivirus can detect this release as a threat and try to remove it. The reason for this is
because my releases are packed/protected in order to reduce its size and avoid alterations to the
code. This protection can be erroneously identified as a threat, it is what is commonly known as a
FALSE POSITIVE. Just ignore it, it is safe to use.

IMPORTANT: there will be no risk when using my releases as long as you have downloaded it from the
links posted on my site or from the "Check for Updates" option. If you have downloaded this release
from another site, I CANNOT GUARANTEE ITS INTEGRITY. In such case, I will not take responsability
for eventual problems that arise when using it. Be careful!

As a precaution, always check the release hash.

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This release is provided AS IS for FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY!
If you can afford the software, please BUY IT. Support the developer to make a better product

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