<< WinPh Super Blast 2 v1 0 iPhone iPod Touch iPad
Super Blast 2 v1 0 iPhone iPod Touch iPad
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 6.91 MB
Website http://itunes.apple.com/nl/app/super-blast/id391099475?mt=8
Sender blg
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Post Description

Super Blast 2 v1 0 iPhone iPod Touch iPad 

Fans of the original Super Blast will find a horde of new Creeps that now fire back, supported by a massive boss at the end of each level. Further improvements include the addition of difficulty modes, new weapon power-ups, a health meter and three Super Blasts to help players get through the punishing onslaught of Creeps.


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