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Resonation of Angels – most people have an image that they hold of an angel being a spiritual being that links humanity with a higher self or god-like being. Some people that we all have an angel watching over us, one that can guide us through troubled and lonely times. For those who have studied the spiritual realms of this life will have come across enlightened individuals who have been blessed with the powers to channel the spiritual energies of the angels to be used as a healing medium for those in need.
Carolyn Bowyer is a renowned healer in Cornwall and the UK who has shared her knowledge and insights, about the Archangels, with Neil as he wanted to work with someone who works with angelic energies on a regular basis. Carolyn runs Angel workshops and also gives healing treatments by channelling through which ever angel is needed for what ever healing. It was in sharing their creative energies that Neil was able to produce this live album, at a healing workshop held at the Cornwall New Age festival, in Perranporth.
During the workshop, before each Archangel sound was resonated, the participants would focus on a painting of each Archangel whilst Carolyn explained about each of their healing elements, colours and how to bring their energy through. The Seven Archangel paintings were painted by Carolyn’s daughter Nikki Julienne Isaac.
Angels was recorded without rehearsal in a totally intuitive way using gentle sound sweeps with an Angelic flavour as well as soft flutes, pianos, harp and strings. A good album for meditation, healing and just to sit and feel each Angel relaxing the mind and body.
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Enjoy the feeling
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