<< WIN AE cycoreFX HD 1.7
AE cycoreFX HD 1.7
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 8.08 MB
Website http://www.cycorefx.com/
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This update features new random seed controls in Particle World and Particle Systems II and a start time control in Pixel Polly. Light Sweep now has 32 bpc support and an improved light model for all bit depths. Also included are 35 plug-ins with 32 bpc support (float). CycoreFX HD is 64-bit native for After Effects CS5.x.

CycoreFX HD is the professional version of CycoreFX that allows work at higher bit depths. CycoreFX HD also contains several new plug-ins such as the more advanced Rainfall and Snowfall simulators. Rainfall and Snowfall allows to easily and quickly create "real-looking" rain and snow when there is no time to get into a complex particle generator. The HD package features an impressive total of 73 plug-ins.

Upgrade to the HD package and you get:

. 16 bpc support in all effects.
. 12 additional plug-ins.
. 32 bpc support (float) in 35 effects (more coming).
. Added functionality, eg. motionblur, support for AE lights, more controls and options.

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