<< WinPh Best reminder
Best reminder
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 356 KB
Website http://www.smartphoneware.com/reminder-for-windows-mobile-product.php
Sender gekkehenkie1957
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description


It is very easy to miss the initial sound of an incoming message or a phone call especially if the smartphone
was in another room at this moment, in a leather wallet or in your jacket when you're in a car or at the street.
If you don't want to check the display constantly to ensure that you haven't missed an important phone call
or a message you might be waiting for then you need to try Best Reminder.
Best Reminder provides repeating alarms and visual notification to draw your attention to received but unnoticed
messages and missed calls.

How it works
* 1. You have got a missed call or a message.
* 2. Some time passed (Remind period) and you didn't pay attention to missed event(s) yet.
* 3. The reminder checks if it's good time to notify or it's late night, for example (Time restriction in configuration).
* 4. If it's good time it shows "You have" window on the screen and plays alarm sound.
* 5. It repeats alarm sound after some time passed (Remind period) again and again (Remind period)
until it brings your attention to the unnoticed event

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