<< WIN The Witcher Enhanced Edition
The Witcher Enhanced Edition
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 10.66 GB
Website http://uk.pc.ign.com/objects/142/14236144.html
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

Set in a world created by best-selling Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher combines spectacular action and an intriguing storyline. You are a Witcher, a warrior who has been trained to fight since childhood, subjected to mutations and trials that have transformed you. You earn a living killing monsters, and are a member of a brotherhood founded long ago to protect people from werewolves, the undead, and a host of other beasts. The game uses advanced graphics and physics systems for a high-powered blend of brutal action, complex RPG options and character configuration, and sweeping storytelling.The Witcher: Enhanced Edition enhances the original game with improved graphics, retouched gameplay mechanics, speedier loading, and added dialog and character gestures. Also included are bonuses such as a MOD editor called D'jinni that allows players to create or modify their own adventures in the world of The Witcher, as well as two completely new adventures created by CD Projekt RED.General Features* Powered by Bioware's Aurora Engine* Real time combat with motion captured animations performed by a master of medieval sword combat* Ragdoll and rigid body physics, powered by Criterion's Karma Engine to simulate interaction with opponents as well as elements of surrounding* A story full of twists and turns in a complex and coherent setting* Multiple ways to accomplish quests* Three different endings that depend on player's actions and choices throughout the whole adventure* Based on the novels and short stories of Andrzej Sapkowski

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