<< Wii StarSing : Michael Jackson v2.1
StarSing : Michael Jackson v2.1
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 4.26 GB
Website http://wiitdb.com/Game/SISMJ1
Sender Idefix1976
Tag StarSingCustomWiiIdefix1976        
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Post Description

Title: StarSing : Michael Jackson v2.1
Region: PAL

The Jackson 5 - I Want You Back
The Jackson 5 - ABC
Michael Jackson - Ben
The Jackson 5 - My Girl
Michael Jackson - Don't stop till you get enough
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean v2
Michael Jackson - Beat It
Michael Jackson - Human Nature
Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Thriller [FULL VERSION]
Michael Jackson & Friends - We Are The World
Michael Jackson - I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Michael Jackson - Je Ne Veux Pas La Fin De Nous
Michael Jackson - Bad
Michael Jackson - Bad [FULL VERSION]
Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel
Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel [FULL VERSION]
Michael Jackson - Man in the Mirror
Michael Jackson - Another Part Of Me
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
Michael Jackson - Liberian Girl
Michael Jackson - Black Or White
Michael Jackson - Black Or White [FULL VERSION]
Michael Jackson - Heal The World
Michael Jackson - Give In To Me
Michael Jackson - HIStory
Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
Michael Jackson - Earth Song
Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow
Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Starting Something
Michael Jackson - This Is It

Developer: PsyKos
Publisher: PsyKos
Release date: 2010-2-24
Genre: karaoke

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