<< WinPh Tiki Golf 3D v2 0 AnDrOiD
Tiki Golf 3D v2 0 AnDrOiD
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 9.32 MB
Website http://www.androidzoom.com/android_games/arcade_and_action/tiki-golf-3d_ovxn.html
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Post Description

Tiki Golf 3D v2 0 AnDrOiD

Insane Mini Golf in full 3D! Ramps, mega power boosts, moving platform bongos, giant dartboard targets, huge hammers, loop-de-loops, pipes, pineapples and more! Exotic vibrant courses that have the iconic mini golf appeal but feel more like water park rides than typical putt courses.


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