<< DVD5 The Residents - Commercial Album DVD
The Residents - Commercial Album DVD
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 3.3 GB
Website http://www.amazon.com/Residents-Commercial-DVD/dp/B00062IYF0
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As a long time fan of the Residents, this is one of their best releases of the past ten years. The Commercial LP by itself was a very ambitious project and offered a wildly diverse selection of musical and philosophical nuggets. The DVD features very creative minute-long movies made by folks from around the world, matched to the various minute-long songs. Each of these movies is excellent, and every bit as interesting as the older catalog of Residents films, many of which are included on the DVD. What I like best about this DVD is that there are so many non-Residents perspectives that are all terrific. It's a great way to be introduced to media makers from around the planet....DEFINITELY recommended to Residents fans and people who have never heard of the Residents. 

By the way, the production of the DVD is very good as well. Navigation is accessible by just playing the whole DVD, selecting pieces by filmmaker name, or choosing by song name.


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