<< WIN Coollector Portable Movie Database V2.99.1
Coollector Portable Movie Database V2.99.1
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 36.32 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Coollector+Portable+Movie+Database+V2.99.1
Sender mupopy81
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Post Description

Coollector Portable Movie Database V2.99.1 | 34MB

Coollector Portable Movie Database is an easy-to-use application that will help you browse a huge movie database. Personalize it, with your possessions and taste. Movies that you own have their title underlined. Colored icons show if you liked or disliked a movie.

A quick glance at the actors or directors filmographies can help you decide what to watch on TV or in theaters, or can make you discover movies that you'd like to see and that you'll add to your wishlist with a single click.

Manage your collection of DVD, BLU-RAY, VHS, anything. Remember what you loaned, to whom, and when.

Use the price information to not miss a good bargain.

Print a list of your videos (for insurance purposes).

Manage the videos stored on your computer's disk.

ssociate video files with their corresponding movies
and launch them by clicking the "play" icon.

The program can even scan a folder on your computer and make the associations automatically for you.

Even if you don't have a large collection of videos there are still many useful things that you can do.

It's completely fun because you don't start with some dull empty database.

On the contrary, the setup file includes our huge database of movies & series
combined with a database of existing videos.

You download... you get all that !

nother benefit is that you can use the program even when you're offline.

Launch Coollector.exe.

System Requirements:

WinXP / Vista / Win7

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