<< WinPh The Green Hornet Crime Fighter v1.2 (AnDroiD)
The Green Hornet Crime Fighter v1.2 (AnDroiD)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 12.92 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=The+Green+Hornet+Crime+Fighter+v1.2+%28AnDroiD%29
Sender andrehazes1
Tag Andrehazes1        
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Post Description

The Green Hornet Crime Fighter v1.2

Requirements: Android 2.1+

Overview: The Green Hornet&#153; Crime Fighter app lets you play as The Green Hornet or Kato&#153; to defend the city against villainous gangsters.
The street fighting style game offers touch-based controls, special moves for each character, & 3 levels of game play. The film opens in theaters on 1/14/11.

Requires FREE Adobe® AIR® download on the market

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