<< WIN Reference Manager v12.0
Reference Manager v12.0
Category Applications
GenreDatabase tools
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 144.33 MB
Website http://www.refman.com
Sender Bartjuh09 (Eyaang)                
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Voor alle doctors en professoren in wording.

"It's highly recommended for anyone
needing a powerful reference tool."


Online Reference Searcher
Collect references from remote bibliographic databases
Search Web of Science®, PubMed and Internet libraries worldwide from Reference Manager. Export references directly from Highwire Press, Ovid, OCLC and more. Build your personal reference collection from hundreds of online databases-reduce data entry.

Database Manager
Organize your personal reference collection easily
Create as many databases as you like-unlimited database capacity. Attach files such as full-text PDFs, graphics, spreadsheets and more to a reference and store with your database or link to articles and other materials on the Web. Perform key operations across multiple databases. Run spell checker and syntax alerting to keep your references accurate-even customize your dictionaries. Locate references in seconds, save search strategies for re-use later, and use our synonym editor for authors, keywords and periodicals. Customize your reference list display and edit records individually or globally.

Web Publisher
Publish your reference collection on the Web or an intranet
Make your Reference Manager databases available in a Web environment for yourself and others to access. Anyone with a Web browser can access your Web publisher site to search and create reference lists or export references (RIS and XML formats). Reference Manager's Web publisher even allows you and others to add and edit references via the Web browser. Reference Manager provides a simple Web publishing tool and built-in Web server so you can post up to 15 databases in seconds.

Bibliography Builder
Format bibliographies instantly
Create bibliographies in Microsoft Word with Cite While You Write instant formatting-all you have to do is select references to cite. Reference Manager formats the bibliography in over 1,000 journal styles-you can even create your own styles. Revise your manuscript as many times as needed-all within your word processor. A traveling library that contains cited reference data makes it easy to collaborate with colleagues on writing projects.

Easy Reference Sharing
Share references on a network edition
Take advantage of the only true multi-user network program in this category. When sharing databases with the network version of Reference Manager, multiple users can read and write to the same database down to the field level within the same bibliographic record. The network program is licensed based on either the number of workstations or on concurrent accesses to the program.

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