<< WIN 3DFluff Introduction To Cinema 4D.R12
3DFluff Introduction To Cinema 4D.R12
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://www.3dfluff.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&amp;Itemid=120
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3DFluff - Introduction to Cinema 4D R12
English | 1440 x 900 | MOV AVC 406 Kbps 15.000 fps | AAC 78.9 Kbps 2 channels | 1.91GB

This is the physical DVD edition which will ship to your address, you may also be interested in the immediate download option.
Introduction to R12 is a complete starter course with 5 hours of tuition for anyone just starting with CINEMA 4D. Targetted towards someone who is currently using Photoshop or After Effects, or anyone currently using an old or low-end 3D application that is looking to move up to a professional piece of software.
Matthew takes you through everything from setting your projects up, adjusting preferences to make your life easier, through all the expected areas such as modelling, lighting, animation, texturing and rendering.
Everything is explained clearly and tips about common mistakes and misunderstandings are explained so that you don't get stuck. This DVD is suitable for all versions of CINEMA 4D R12 but does predominantly cover the features found in the Prime edition. Some extra pointers are mentioned though so that users of other versions such as Broadcast and Studio know where to look if they wish to read up on specific extra features which might help them.
Main topics covered:
* General application guide
* Modeling, from simple spline-based to full poly editing
* Animation
* Materials and textures
* Setting up renders
* Particle systems
* Easy object deformation
* Which buttons you shouldn't worry about

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