<< MP3 Francois Couturier - Nostalghia- Song For Tarkovsky
Francois Couturier - Nostalghia- Song For Tarkovsky
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 189.25 MB
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Nostalghia is a breathtaking and beautiful record that elicited some of the deepest emotional responses I have ever had to music—any music. Standing on its own, this recording does not demand that one even know who Andrei Tarkovsky was; but finding this out only deepens the musical experience, signifying the success of this project.

Pianist Francois Couturier has written music that is meant to evoke the emotions elicited by the films of his favorite director. A Russian through and through, Tarkovsky epitomized nostalgia, not just in the sense of expressing "longing for one's home," but a "global yearning for the wholeness of existence." Tarkovsky even argued, with total seriousness, thatthe Russians developed the concept!

Tarkovsky's films move very slowly and contain almost no music, creating a "soundtrack" of the physical objects being viewed. They are completely removed from most of the movies made today, with their cheap thrills and scores that telegraph events—and almost force the viewer to react. Instead, Tarkovsky would draw the patient viewer into his world almost totally by their eyes. The music that he did use was by Bach, Pergolesi or Purcell, and Couturier links back to the films by subtly evoking these and other classical composers.

Most of this music is composed, but it seems improvised because in large part it ignores time, and hence, the three purely improvisatory pieces do not stand out as such. While music and film inhabit separate worlds, they intersect through emotion—and, paradoxically, this powerful music produced reams of images for me, thus almost becoming a soundtrack to my own purely mental movie.

Treading the edge between classical and improvised music, these pieces have an almost tactile reality, and a good playback system projects a physical space. At times, the music is almost unbearably bleak and full of angst, at others it's absolutely terrifying. These dark emotions are balanced out by brighter ones, which nevertheless are surrounded by feelings of loneliness and melancholy.

And yet, despite the overall bleakness, sadness and longing, listening—just listening—made me feel totally alive, and for that I must thank producer Manfred Eicher, Francois Couturier and his group—and yes, Andrei Tarkovsky.

Track Listing: Le Sacrifice; Crepusculaire (to Sven Nykvist); Nostalghia (to Toninho Guerra); Solaris I; Miroir; Solaris II; Andrei; Ivan; Stalker (to Edouard Artemiev); Le Temps Scelle; Toliu (to Anatoli Solonitsyn); L'eternel Retour (to Erland Josephson).

Personnel: François Couturier: piano; Anja Lechner: cello; Jean-Marc Larch: soprano saxophone; Jean-Louis Matinier: accordion. SOURCE/ BRAD GLANDEN.


01 - Le Sacrifice 08:59
02 - Crepusculaire (for Sven Nykvist) 13:20
03 - Nostalghia 08:27
04 - Solaris I 03:19
05 - Miroir 03:21
06 - Solaris II 02:47
07 - Andrei 07:05
08 - Ivan 06:14
09 - Stalker (for Eduard Artemiev) 07:01
10 - Le Temps Scelle 05:02
11 - Toliu (for Anatoli Solonitsyn) 08:24
12 - L'Eternel Retour (for Erland Josephson) 03:46

- Ik probeer verschillende stijlen muziek te plaatsen waarvan het grootste gedeelte onder New Age valt. Plaats ik eens een cd die er wellicht iets vanaf wijkt (in uw mening) of niet onder valt, prima maar maak er geen scene van. Geniet van de muziek!
- Onderstaande uitdrukkingen spreken mij aan, dit staat los van New Age.
- Bevalt mijn muziek niet, sla mijn spots over.

“Wie op dankbaarheid rekent is een koopman, geen weldoener.” ~Fliegende Blatter~

“Zelfs ondankbare mensen zijn nuttig: zij helpen u wel te doen zonder eigenbelang.” ~Jules Claretie~

“Dankbaarheid kan alleen voortkomen uit een opgewekt innerlijk leven en een zeker vermogen tot liefhebben.” ~Robert Saitschick~

- De huidige LOSSLESS muziek die gepost is, is gecheckt.
- Verzoekjes zijn welkom. Als uw verzoek niet binnen 2 weken op spotnet staat dan is er niets te vinden.
- Plaats verzoekjes bij de meeste recente spots. Ik kijk niet verder terug dan 2 dagen.


“De muziek dient tot verstrooiing tot opvoeding, tot aansporing vangeest en hart en tot de bevrijding van de hartstochten van de ziel.” ~Aristoteles~

“Muziek drukt dat uit wat niet gezegd kan worden maar waarover niet gezwegen kan worden.” ~Victor Hugo~

“Ons hele leven zou muziek zijn als we op elk ogenblik de juiste tonen zouden kunnen vinden.” ~John Ruskin~

Enjoy the feeling

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