<< WIN Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life
Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Sender SandrAs
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Post Description

Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life 

For centuries people were ready to commit worst crimes and risk their lives to discover it. Times have changed, but not human nature. As Sylvie Leroux - a young archaeologist and adventurer - is working to solve the mystery that surrounds the legend, she finds herself tempted by the same promises that so many before her fell for. What is linking the unresolved riddle of a missing crew from the Mary Celeste with a trunk dating back to the conquistadors? Who is the enigmatic Count of St. Germain? In order to get answers to these and many more questions, Sylvie will set on an epic journey which will lead her across the channels of Venice to the dark alleys of Cairo, rocky coasts of Gibraltar and further into the unknown."

December 2009

Platform PC
Perspective Third-Person
Presentation 2D or 2.5D
Control Point-and-click
Theme Mystery
Gameplay Quest
Graphic Style Illustrated realism

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