<< WinPh Bamboo Forest Donation
Bamboo Forest Donation
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSkin software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 616 KB
Website http://www.appbrain.com/app/bamboo-forest-donation/fishnoodle.bamboo
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Post Description

Bamboo Forest Donation version, v1.15

Looking for something a bit zen? Bamboo Forest is a serene live wallpaper of waving bamboo trees with shafts of light from above. This Donation version has settings for fog density and color, camera speed, time of day, and more!

Check our web site for YouTube videos!

TO USE: Home->Press Menu->Wallpapers->LiveWallpapers

Not all handsets support the live wallpaper feature, please check for a 'live wallpapers' category as the directions above state.

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