<< WinPh GOTO Lockscreen v1 4 9 2 AnDrOiD
GOTO Lockscreen v1 4 9 2 AnDrOiD
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.58 MB
Website http://www.appbrain.com/app/goto-lockscreen/com.innowebtech.g0t0
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GOTO Lockscreen v1 4 9 2 AnDrOiD

A Lock Screen That Shows You More Than Ever!

You can kiss the information hunt goodbye. GOTO takes the Android experience one step further by putting your missed calls, text messages, Gmail messages, and local weather all in one place. All your information is visible at a glance when you turn on your phone.

Get a Quick Snapshot of Your Inboxes and Missed Calls

The GOTO lock screen displays the number of new messages in both your text and Gmail inboxes as well as missed calls. When you move the slider over an icon, you can preview the newest message and decide if you want to jump to the app to see more. Returning a missed call is just as easy. Now your lock screen is your dashboard, eliminating one more step between you and the information you depend on.

&#149; Save time with notification previews
&#149; Jump to your emails and texts
&#149; Quickly return missed calls
&#149; Customize your lock screen background
&#149; Use the secure unlock feature


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