<< WIN Lynda Com After Effects Guru Creating Presets and Controllers-QUASAR
Lynda Com After Effects Guru Creating Presets and Controllers-QUASAR
Category Games
Date 7 years, 10 months
Size 2.02 GB
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Post Description

After Effects Guru: Creating Presets and Controllers
(c) Lynda.com

Supplier . : QUASAR Size ..... : 39 x 50MB
Cracker .. : QUASAR Protection : Condom
Packager . : QUASAR Type ..... : Brain Enhancement
Date ..... : 02-28-2017 OS ....... : Win/Mac

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After Effects Guru: Creating Presets and Controllers
with Nick Harauz

How much time in your After Effects workflow do you spend applying
simple key frames to layers in your composition, such as fade in
and fade out? Wouldn't it be easier to save those effects as
presets, so you don't have to recreate them? Follow Nick Harauz as
he shows how to build presets that you can use in future projects.
In this course, Nick explains how to create text presets, textures,
and useful backgrounds. Plus, he looks at ways to control multiple
layers in a project through expressions, null objects, and blending
tricks. By the end of the course, you're equipped to develop your
own library of presets, so that when you tackle your next After
Effects project, you'll have an arsenal of custom effects and
content that can help expedite your work.

Topics include:
- Creating text animation presets
- Creating custom vignette and fractal noise presets
- Creating a custom texture library
- Using a null object to control layered graphics
- Using the interpolation expression to link values
- Setting up a Universal Color Control
- Using prebuild expressions to drive camera animation
and depth of field
- Creating a control layer to delay layer animation
- Saving your control layers and expressions

· ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ·


Unpack, burn or mount and enjoy.

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