<< NDS Flashkaart Firmware | M3Sakura v1.44
Flashkaart Firmware | M3Sakura v1.44
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://wii-media.nl/
Sender xandecs
Tag Xandecs WiiMedia M3Sakura        
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M3 Sakura v1.44 x (24th-11-2009):

Improvement Project (relative to M3 Sakura v1.43 X and M3 Real v4.5 X):
1. To increase the game's global settings feature that has set a unified set of options for games or additional game parameters;
2. Game RealTime Game of automatic bookmark Save function;
3. Game engine Using M3DS Real System v4.6Beta, game compatibility the same as M3 Real v4.6beta.

Ik bied altijd ondersteuning totdat de nieuwe versie er op staat!

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