<< OGG Audioboek: Bartimaeus (Jonathan Stroud)
Audioboek: Bartimaeus (Jonathan Stroud)
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Category Sound
Bitrate< 96kbit
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://bartimaeustrilogy.com/
Sender Zeddicus
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Post Description


Nathaniel is a young magician's apprentice, taking his first lessons in the arts of magic. But when a devious hotshot wizard named Simon Lovelace ruthlessly humiliates Nathaniel in front of everyone he knows, Nathaniel decides to kick up his education a few notches and show Lovelace who's boss. With revenge on his mind, he masters one of the toughest spells of all: summoning the all-powerful djinni, Bartimaeus. But summoning Bartimaeus and controlling him are two different things entirely, and when Nathaniel sends the djinni out to steal the powerful Amulet of Samarkand, Nathaniel finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of magical espionage, murder, blackmail, and revolt.

Set in a modern-day London spiced with magicians and mayhem, this extraordinary, funny, pitch-perfect thriller will dazzle the myriad fans of Artemis Fowl and the His Dark Materials trilogy. And with the rights sold in more than a dozen countries, and a major motion picture in the works, the Bartimaeus trilogy is on the fast track to becoming a classic.

(voor de rest, zie URL)

Groep: a.b.sounds.audiobooks

Deel 2 is een keer verkeerd gepost, blijkbaar. Je hebt degene nodig waarbij "COMPLETE" in de bestandsnaam voorkomt.
Het is een oude post, maar Eweka had er geen enkel probleem mee. Erg leuke boeken, Engelse humor. Klein beetje vergelijkbaar met Discworld.

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