<< DivX The JigSaw Files (2010)
The JigSaw Files (2010)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Nieuwe release van het : Twilightzone-Team

The JigSaw Files (2010) DVDRip XViD-BDK

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This edit pulls the backstory that is weaved throughout the Saw movies and creates a new narrative

Original film name Saw: I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Film studio name Lionsgate
Film release date 2004 û 2009
Original runtime Not applicable
Fanedit release date October 2010
New runtime 140 minutes
Amount of time cut/added Not applicable

For 6 Years now the Saw-Franchise has created a story that not only progressed forward, but also filled in many blank spots via flashbacks. After 6 movies there is a huge amount of backstory told in non-linear fashion, so intertwined that some people lose track about the plot.

Using Saw I-VI the storyline of Saw I is expanded to almost 2.5 hours to tell everything that happened before the infamous bathroom trap that started the most successful horror-franchise of all time.
I tried to keep the canon in mind as much as possible to tell a cohesive story and make it not look like a youtube Saw-compilation, but with the Seth Baxter trap I removed the video showing Billy the puppet. There is now a loudspeaker telling Seth the rules of his games since this game was made by Hoffman and a Billy tape made by a copycat before we see Billy in a Jigsaw trap is just too abrupt continuity-wise.
Also some of the dialogue between Adam and Dr. Gordon is cut û the lines that make sense if you have no clue what is going on, but seem redundant after already having seen 40 minutes of backstory and preparing the bathroom.
To match the footage of the later SawÆs with the greenish hue of Saw I the edit went through some colour corrections to get rid of the blue (Saw IV), red (Saw V) and grey (Saw VI) hue.
Unfortunately by the time of Saw VI the flashbacks have become so washed out that the image quality differs drastically from the previous movies û a look I sadly didnÆt manage to fix.

The Jigsaw Files is the attempt to restructure the flashbacks in linear fashion and tell the story about John Kramer, Jill Tuck, Amanda Young and Mark Hoffman.
The story of this edit starts with John whose wife loses her child in an accident caused by the addict Cecil. Coming believe that people can only appreciate their life when faced with death John starts to construct diabolic traps û the game is about to begin.

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