<< WIN Subdreamer 3.3.1
Subdreamer 3.3.1
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Category Applications
GenreEmail software
GenreSkin software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 5 MB
Website http://www.subdreamer.com
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Subdreamer 3.3 is now available!
This is a major release which includes many functional administration enhancements, many small improvements, the beginnings of many other features, and of course the reintroduction of 3rd party forum integration. Subdreamer CMS now includes user integration support (not skinning) for the following forums: Subdreamer Forum, vBulletin 3/4, IPB 2/3, SMF 1/2, phpBB2/phpBB3.
SALE: 10% OFF until January 6th, 2011


* Full Admin hover menu with e.g. Plugins sub-menus
* Admin | Plugins Filter Bar
* Admin | Articles Filter Bar
* Admin | Comments Filter Bar and pagination
* Admin | Easily create copies of individual pages or custom plugins
* Admin | Usergroup features now a special "Article Author Mode" and selective Admin Pages access
* Admin | Users with extended filtering and multiple usergroups
* Articles with PDF export and social media links
* Improved email system now supporting PHP "mail()", SMTP or Sendmail. (plugin by plugin basis)
* WYSIWYG editing with TinyMCE or CKeditor (toggable)
* Secure (SSL) URL capability
* Subdreamer VVC and reCaptcha available
* Forum RSS now available as separate global feed
* Skin editor now optionally with syntax highlighting (toggable)
* Skin editor saves items by Ajax without page reload
* Articles and Comments display with templates (Smarty)
* Articles Datepicker is now international (see Main Settings: Regional Language)
* Frontpage deletion/editing of Comments for Admins
* Web 2.0-popups for page's plugin position editing and plugin permissions
* Same BBCode editor for Comments and Forum posts
* Improved installer
* Many smaller improvements, inside and outside

View the second page of this blog for complete release notes.

Features overview:
Admin Filter/Search bars: The administration of many pages or many plugins or many comments, etc. can be a nightmare if there isn't a good navigation system in place. SD 3.3 addresses this with an article filter/search bar, comments filter/search bar and the pages/plugin filter bar. Articles will be searchable/sortable by author, title, page they are assigned to, online or offline status, newest, oldest, asc, desc, etc. The pages/plugin filter bar will allow you to view/search pages by name, title, parent page, skin layout, SSL enabled or by plugin usage. So it has never been easier to manage pages! Want to know what page uses which skin layout? Want to know which pages are set for SSL? Want to know what pages a certain plugin is assigned to? It is easy to accomplish all of that now.

PDF: Article PDF output will be available, supported by the core but requiring a separate download.

Email improvements: You can now use the server's PHP "mail()" function (default), Sendmail or your own SMTP server settings for email purposes. For large sites or mailing lists for example, it is highly recommended to use your servers SMTP servers... now you can. For SMTP, you can specify secure SMTP if required or specific ports.

WYSIWYG editing with TinyMCE or CKeditor: For your WYSIWYG requirements, you can now choose between two different editors. Tiny MCE (example) or CKeditor (example). To further enhance the WYSIWYG capability, SD3 skin designers can now make use of a designated style specifically for the editor to load appropriate fonts, headings and other styling that will accurately represent the style of the skin and output on the front-end.

Secure (SSL) URL capability: Subdreamer Pages that will be used to collect important information can now be configured to point to the SSL URL for securely collecting the data/form submissions/etc.

3rd party Forum Integration: Subdreamer CMS now supports 3rd party forum integration with phpbb2, phpbb3, smf1, smf2, ipb2, ipb3, vb3 and vb4. vb2 that was supported in 2.x will no longer be supported. At the same time the Subdreamer forum of course is fully supported and getting better every day! Ultimately Subdreamer CMS will return as the most convenient choice for a CMS + FORUM with a single login system, one user base, nice and simple. See Subdreamer.org as the first live example of SD 3.3 forum integration with vBulletin.

Article Author mode: The article author mode is the easiest way to securely allow e.g. staff members or writers access to add or edit their own articles. With this being activated in the usergroup, Subdreamer will only display (and allow to edit) articles that the user originally created. IF author mode is active, the "Author" name is only editable if the user does not have an actual author name already. This author name is separate of the user's username and may be used as a "real world" public display name. As soon as the user submits any article with an author name entered, this will be stored with the user details and on any further article editing this entry field becomes disabled. From then on only administrator can change the author name of a user within the regular Users page.

Primary and Seconday Usergroups now available: A Subdreamer user can now have multiple different usergroups where they will accumulate permissions of all groups. This could be used for editors, writers, contributors, special members or other special user groups where they can maintain a primary group and be granted secondary groups for easier management.

Subdreamer VVC: Subdreamer VVC has returned as the default options for image verification and is now included in the core. reCaptcha is still available as an optional captcha/visual verification code system.

Enhanced Skin editor with syntax highlighting

Admin Hover Menu

Plugins ready to install:
Admin | Plugins | Install and Upgrade Plugins
The following plugins are distributed with your main installation and ready for you to install or upgrade:

Forum Stats
Plugin Name: Forum Stats
Version: 3.3.0

Latest Comments
Plugin Name: Latest Comments
Version: 3.3.0

Link Directory
Plugin Name: Link Directory
Version: 3.3.0

Plugin Name: Guestbook
Version: 3.3.0

Plugin Name: Chatterbox
Version: 3.2.1

Latest Posts
Plugin Name: Latest Posts
Version: 3.3.0

Top Posters
Plugin Name: Top Posters
Version: 3.3.0

Subcategory Menu
Plugin Name: Subcategory Menu
Version: 3.2.2

Users Online
Plugin Name: Users Online
Version: 3.3.0

There is also an Event Manager upgrade (1.3.8) for SD3 that is VERY important, you can download it here if upgrading from an older version.

Forum integration:

As many of us remember back to Subdreamer 2.x, the forum integration options were a real treat. Even if we didn't have a forum with our website initially, we always had the option to integrate if needed.

To recap from our announcement in October, forum integration was the main attraction that enticed me into the Subdreamer world:

"I really did not want to settle for an underdeveloped integrated forum as part of an existing solution or have to look at enterprise level options, nor did I want to get involved with complicated bridges between popular forums and content management systems. Eventually I found Subdreamer which provided forum integration options out of the box. It was simple to deploy, relatively easy to manage, reliable, maintained with new versions and supported. I was sold. Subdreamer forum integration allowed me to integrate with my forums often without any hiccups at all, forum related plugins were also available, it would even 'skin' my forum to match my CMS, and that CMS, "Subdreamer" wasn't all that bad either. I was extremely pleased and a loyal fan.

Within reasonable expectations, I was nearly completely satisfied with Subdreamer CMS and the forum integration feature for about 4 years straight without any major issues. Subdreamer CMS wasn't just competitive with popular features and emerging technologies when it came to forum integration, it was a leader. It was a flagship feature and what I believe brought many of us to Subdreamer over other more feature rich or more established CMS's commercial or open source. A very loyal and warm community grew around this feature. Subdreamer was not the best and not perfect but it was perfect for us."

So it is my pleasure now to confirm that the excitement is back. Subdreamer CMS makes it return as the most convenient choice for a CMS + FORUM with a single login system, one user base, nice and simple.

Subdreamer 2.x customers can consult with the full release notes to review what will be changing from what you may have been used to ... everything for the most part is as expected. "Forum skinning" is an automated feature that has been removed, "Article post to forum" is a core feature that will not be available, and the "Forum News" plugin is one that will not be continued. These features while handy were not essential and contributed to many of the forum integration p

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