<< WinPh Music PlayerPro v1 21 AnDrOiD
Music PlayerPro v1 21 AnDrOiD
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 997 KB
Website http://www.appbrain.com/app/music-playerpro/com.tbig.playerpro
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Post Description

Music PlayerPro v1 21 AnDrOiD

PlayerPro is an advanced music player for Android 2.x devices.

* Browse your music by albums, artists, genres, songs, playlists, folders, and album artists.
* Automatically downloads relevant album artwork, artist pictures and genre illustrations.
* Manually pick preferred artwork/picture/illustration from internet, Gallery, ID3 tags, album folder and album cache.
* 9 different SKINS.
* 2 different layouts, Grid and List.
* Read Album and artist reviews.
* Download, search and and save lyrics (ID3 tag).
* Single and group tag editing (title, album, artist, track, year, genre, comment).
* Music stats and smart playlists: ratings, play/skip counts, last played, last added.
* Music folder selection.
* Choice of 2 lock screen widgets with many customization options (unlock slider, sound toggler, skip tracks using prev/next volume buttons, swipe gesture ...).
* Choice of 5 differnt home screen widgets (4x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 4x2).
* Scrobbling (Simple Last.fm, Scrobble Droid).
* Sleep timer with fade out.
* Share text notifications/artwork/music on social networks (tweeter, facebook, gmail, picassa etc).
* Headset support.
* Swipe gestures (player: swipe album art to skip songs, browsers: swipe left to play next, swipe right to play last).

... and many other features to discover !

Recent changes:
- Music statistics and smart playlists: ratings, play/skip counts, last played, last added.
- Import/export music statistics: iSyncr (iTunes), Winamp, Songbird, Wmp.
- Work on skins: 2 new skins "Mystic Blue" and "Pure White". Removed all skins from default package to reduce size. Reviewed all skins (cosmetic updates, better medium density screens support etc). Reworked graphics of the default skin.
- Bug fixes.


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