<< WIN TrainSignal Microsoft Office Word 2007 Training DVD
TrainSignal Microsoft Office Word 2007 Training DVD
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 2.97 GB
Website http://www.trainsignal.com/Word-2007-Training.aspx
Sender PsychoBunny
Tag Training        
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Post Description

Master All of the New Tools & Features of Word 2007, and Instantly Boost Productivity and Efficiency in Your Office!
By Bill Kulterman
CIW, MOS Master Certified

If you still think Microsoft Word 2007 is a virtual typewriter, then you've been missing out. Once you learn all of the tools, tips and tricks of Word 2007, you'll wonder how you got along without it.

Most people never fully utilize time-saving tools such as: styles, templates, macros, forms, etc. But now you can take full advantage of these features! From simple concepts to complex operations, we break down Word 2007 with real world examples you can relate to and understand!

Professional level Word skills are essential in today's competitive workplace. With our proven, hands on video training, mastering Word 2007 has never been more fun and easy!

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