<< WinPh Talking Rex the Dinosaur v1.0 (AnDroiD)
Talking Rex the Dinosaur v1.0 (AnDroiD)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 10.98 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Talking+Rex+the+Dinosaur+v1.0+%28AnDroiD%29
Sender andrehazes1
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Post Description

Talking Rex the Dinosaur v1.0

Requirements: Android

Overview: Rex is a talking dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus rex. He can repeat anything you say with his deep threatening voice.
You can pet him, poke his tail, head & body. You can even feed him a steak, make him fight another t-rex or play fetch with him.
Record videos of him and share them on YouTube/Facebook or e-mai.l

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