<< WIN Audio Restoration - ClickRepair v3 6 44a (2012)-tuShEngpEng
Audio Restoration - ClickRepair v3 6 44a (2012)-tuShEngpEng
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 2.46 MB
Website http://www.clickrepair.net/software_download/clickrepair.html
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

Intermittent and continuous noise
Noise problems fall into two classes, localised and continuous. Local damage is typically in the form of clicks due to scratches and crackle. The origin is usually scratches and/or dust particles. Continuous noise is discussed on another page.

Detection and repair
Declicking is a two-stage process - detection followed by repair. The samples which are not deemed to be damaged should be left unchanged, whilst the damage itself will be replaced by an interpolation based on analysis of the surrounding sound. Some audio editors offer an interpolation option, but it is unlikely that you will have enough time and/or patience to find and make the necessary repairs without a high degree of automation. Because 99.5% of a good LP will not be affected by scratches and similar problems, filtering the file is not a good solution.

ClickRepair - a software solution

ClickRepair is an application for finding and repairing clicks and crackle. Most of the time it will do its task automatically. Displayed left is a click - caused by a small scratch in the record - which has been automatically detected and repaired. It would be heard quite clearly without the repair, afterwards it is imperceptible.

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