<< PS3 PS3 CFW - Wutangrza
PS3 CFW - Wutangrza
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Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 3
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 360.95 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=PS3+CFW+-+Wutangrza
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Post Description

De nieuwste CFW , de md5 en sha1 zijn :

MD5: 05933bb7a89bee87b0aa45c74f980e81
SHA1: 3d51501014ab46131a539e1664476e10fa9b611e

How to Access Playstation Recovery Menu

1. Turn off Playstation®3.
2. Hold The power button down; The system will turn on and turn off once again.
3. Once the System has been shutdown, re-press you finger until you hear 2 consecutive beeps
4. When you hear the 2 beeps take finger off power button.
5. You will be promted to plug in your controller via usb and then hit the PS button
6. The Recovery menu will pop up.

De beste methode is :

1: Zorg dat je op de orginele 3.55 update zit, zo niet update hem dan vanuit recovery mode terug naar de orginele 3.55

2: Ga weer naar recovery mode en kies nu voor de optie ps3 systeem herstellen,

Stap 3: Plaats de patched 3.55 update op je USB in de map PS3/UPDATE/ , ook via recovery mode

Stap 4: Vervolgens kun je nu weer de GEOHOT Patch via XMB installeren

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