<< WIN Plextor 1.0 after effects plugin
Plextor 1.0 after effects plugin
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 8.65 MB
Website http://aescripts.com/plexus/
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Post Description

Plexus is a Next Generation 3D Particle System Plugin Designed for Adobe After Effects.

* Create Stunning Generative Art with ease
* Highly Integrated into After Effects, native Camera and Light aware.
* Breakthrough Modular Workflow, that is infinitely configurable.
* Create Organic Structures using Powerful Replication Tools.
* Effectors to create Physical Simulations.
* You can import OBJ Files and OBJ Sequences into Plexus.
* Use AE Lights to shade the Plexus and Color Maps to color the particles.
* High Quality Custom Rendering Engine.

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